I'm a nut about South Park. The second episode of the very first season is hilarious! Cartman wins an essay contest and wants to beef up for his tv appearance (he drinks weight gain 4000!). But, he actually handed in Thoreau's 'Walden' for his essay and just scratched out Thoreau's name - love it!
So....over a week ago we visited Walden Pond. :) It's actually really close to our apartment, and it was beautiful. It was a rainy/cloudy day, but we still enjoyed it. We saw a handful of swimmers in wetsuits swimming across the pond - which is more of a small lake. Bikes and running aren't allowed on the paths so it's quiet and serene.
We toured the model 'house' Thoreau lived in. It was probably the size of our apartment closet (big closet... but small house). I couldn't imagine living there for 2 years, although he had a couple chairs for visitors, so he wasn't always in seclusion.
We walked a mile and a half to Thoreau's actual hut.
And enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the way. The water in some areas had this really cool green tint.
Oh, also we bought a 50mm lens for our camera. I tested it out on the Newt. :)
Boston Tip of the Day: It is Mass law to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. So cars fly down the road, but if you step into the crosswalk, they'll slam on their brakes for you to cross. Kind of cool!
I love "Walden"! When I had to read it for an American Lit class at Hope, I felt very inspired. The professor for that class gave you an A on your final if you made a pilgrimage to the actual lake. Too bad y'all werent living there then!