We had multiple excursions this weekend. The first one was the search for Raw Milk!! So raw milk scares me because I was raised by a medical technologist mother who deals with all sorts of crazy diseases. :) Dave, on the other hand, has no fears about this (see realmilk.com). In Michigan we had been drinking non-homogenized milk for awhile, which was awesome, but Dave wanted raw milk. It is illegal in MI to sell retail raw milk, so right away when we got to Boston (where you can buy raw milk) Dave began his search. He found a farm about 25 minutes away that sells it. Of course last weekend they were closed because one of their tanks had been tested and found to have bad stuff in it. The farm said the wrong tank was tested. Well, that made me more hesitant about this all….
We drove through awesome neighborhoods and arrived at the farm to get raw milk. Basically there was nothing sketchy going on there, but in order to buy the milk Dave had to sign a waiver saying he understands he's buying raw milk. When we got home Dave drank a glass of this raw milk. He said it wasn't as tasty as he thought, but was ok. I have not had a drink of it (I'm too scared! hehe), but Dave is still alive and healthy. So we should be good to go.
Is Dave crazy to buy raw milk? Has anyone else ever had raw milk? :)
Unrelated-to-raw-milk Boston Tip of the Day: Weathermen/women in Boston are just as bad as in Michigan! It was supposed to rain almost all last week, but there were hardly any drops of rain until this weekend.
There is no way I'm drinking or eating somethig that requires me to sign a waiver. I'll take my Meijer skim milk, thank you. Glad Dave is still alive though.