Friday, October 14, 2011


Last Friday was a long day. Figuring out Logan Airport, flying on super crappy Spirit Airlines with no leg room, taking the 'L' into Chicago, finding the hotel, picking up the marathon packets, and waiting for family to arrive.  But luckily it was all worth it! It was a blast seeing my family! Reed said 'Aunt Christiana, when was the last time I saw you? In the summer? That was too long ago. I miss you.' - What a sweetie! Of course the kiddos had to let out a little energy. They got pretty silly and loud in our room, and they love when I take out my camera. Addy G enjoying some lovely banana and Reed displaying some delicious apple. At least they're eating healthy. :)

Saturday morning we explored Chicago some. To the Shedd we go! We got there before it opened, and sometimes little kiddos can't just stand still in line ... they enjoyed hanging from the railing for a bit.

 The Shedd aquarium has a great deal that isn't advertised on their entrance signs. $8/person to see quite a bit of the exhibit. It was perfect for us! We toured the Amazon, the Great Lakes, the desert, and other tropical locations. Reed loved the sting rays! I got a good one of the ninos looking for the rain. :)

One of the main displays had a man in it!  Something is wrong with this... :) He was cleaning the windows and hanging out with the fish. He was actually pretty fun, waving at us, and giving kids high fives.

Although we didn't pay to see the Jellies exhibit, we got a little taste with one window of jellyfish. The lights on the jellyfish kept changing colors - it looked really neat.

And this huge crab is just disgusting! It was hairy and had way too many appendages. This pic is for you Amanda!

After all the walking around the Shedd aquarium, Dave and Ryan wanted to keep their legs loose. Dave needed to do a little bit of stretching and random posing, which apparently helped him. :)

Saturday afternoon we went to an outlet mall out in a Chicago suburb. K, this outlet mall was experiencing Black Friday times two! The parking lot was full. People were parking on the side of the road and on the grass - there were some deals, but nothing that made any sense for the huge flocks of people.

We went to Ryan's relatives and had some yummy pizza. Before supper the kids enjoyed jumping on the trampoline. It was the perfect time to try some pics. I would say '1, 2, 3, jump!' Reed would always pull out some crazy pose, but Addison didn't really get the jumping part. :)  Check out Reed's awesome Tigers hat that I got for him. He wears it all the time. hehe

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